Our recent blog posts have been about MAP, our leading add-in for Mindjet MindManager, but this post is about a different kind of Map. It’s about a Map of Britain or, more specifically, two locations on that Map, between which lies almost 1’000 miles of road, running through some of the most magnificent countryside the British Isles has to offer.
So why are we talking about this Map on our Developer Diaries blog? Well, read on for some more insight into a challenge that two local men will possibly make history with, should their attempt be successful.
“3 Legs, 2 Bikes and 1 Piano!”
In a slight deviation from our normal blog content I wanted to share something with our readers and followers which I find quite simply, amazing. On May 4th, (no Star Wars puns please), a good friend of mine, Matt Black and his colleague and Manager, (Matt is an entertainer), Jon Cox will embark on a personal challenge in order to raise funds for the UK charity Wings for Warriors.
Wings for Warriors helps injured service men and women get the skills, experience and qualifications to enable them to become full time pilots and move on from their service experiences in the civilian environment. You can learn more about this charity and the work they do on their website: www.wings4warriors.org.uk
“The Challenge”
Matt and Jon will attempt to cycle from John o’ Groats, Scotland to Land’s End, Cornwall. A distance that’s just short of a thousand miles which they hope to cover over a grueling 21 days. Along the way Matt will be playing gigs at some of their stops to help raise more money for the charity and the guy’s plan to publish a book about the journey, the highs, the lows and everything in between, with all proceeds, again flowing into the Wings for Warriors charity.
As well as being an entertainer and musician, Matt also runs a recording studio, Hangover Hill, where he supports local, upcoming and talented artists. Together they have recorded a 21 track album, (one track for each day of the ride). The album, entitled “Uncharted Territory”, can be purchased online and again, all proceeds are directly received by the Wings for Warriors charity.
“But this has been done many times before!”
You might well think this and it is certainly true that many people have undertaken this journey under different circumstances and for different reasons but there are some special elements to Matt and Jon’s attempt.
Firstly, Matt is celebrating two years free from an addition to alcohol that at several points during his life had almost consumed him. The first rotation of the pedals on Monday 4th will mark the 2nd anniversary of his decision to take back control of his life and celebrate his ongoing, daily victories over the awful addiction he suffered and which now enables him to attempt such a challenge.
Jon’s story is even more awe inspiring because Jon is attempting to ride this distance with one leg! Yes, you read that correctly, one leg. Jon is an amputee, (I could not find the definitive term for a one-legged man), and through the use of a special pedal he, amazingly, cycles long distances both up and down hills that I would struggle to cope with fully fitted with two legs. In fact, when it comes to cycling, I would have trouble making it to the local shops and back without a good deal of “wobbling”.
The backgrounds of these two incredible people are what makes this challenge special and, in Jon’s case, perhaps even unique. Maybe even a world record if it has never been done before.
“How can you help?”
Ok. If this post has inspired you, touched you, enlightened you, made you smile or had an affect on you in any way and you would like to help the guy’s then here is how you can do so:
Make a donation to the official challenge fund raising page powered by gofundme. Your donations, no mater how big or how small, all go to helping the guy’s reach their £10’000 goal for the charity. Donate Now: http://www.gofundme.com/oav7k4 Your £1/$1/€1 will all help to reach the goal.
Purchase the “Uncharted Territory” album. You can do this from the Hangover Hill Recording Studios Band Camp page here: You can listen to the tracks before buying and there is a physical CD available if downloads are not your thing.
If you can’t donate or don’t wish to donate for whatever reason then please remember there are many other ways you can support Matt and Jon. Follow the guy’s on Twitter: https://twitter.com/3legsandapiano and send an occasional tweet or re-tweet to your followers. It all helps. Visit the 3Legs2Bikes1Piano Facebook page and give them a like: https://www.facebook.com/3legs2bikes1piano to help spread the word and share this remarkable challenge. Use any other forms of communication and social media you are able to access to spread the word and give this as much exposure as possible.
Finally, I want to wish Matt and Jon all the very best for their journey. Good Luck!
“May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.”