Task4Maps – New add-in for MODi4Maps developed by Olympic
If you like managing your tasks by using a Kanban method you may find the latest addition to the MODi4Maps collection, Task4Maps, of interest.
Task4Maps uses and extended Kanban dashboard layout to categorize your tasks based on their status and proximity to the current date. As the date changes, the Task4Maps dashboard automatically organizes your tasks and gives you a visual representation of your task load.
Task4Maps provides three main categories at its top level to separate your tasks into Past, Present and Future. These are then further refined into Backlog, Soon, Tomorrow, Today, Overdue, Done and Archived. Using this structure it is easy to see what tasks are due, coming up on the horizon, done or have been missed.
The use of Topic Boundaries helps to indicate the volume of tasks within a given category at both levels and as tasks become completed they are automatically moved to the Done category where they stay for a period before being automatically archived at a later date.
Task4Maps is available for MindManager versions 7/8/9/2012 & Mindjet 11 and you can try Task4Maps free for 14 days available at MODi4Maps.com